
Kauai the Garden Isle for 6 days

Eldonita: 26.09.2016

When I arrived in Kauai, I had plenty of time to explore. I wanted to head north first, but I accidentally took the route south. No big deal, I'll just do the south first. From Lihue, I drove to Kekaha Beach Park, a very beautiful, uncrowded beach, visited Waimea and the Russian Fort. Near Ele'ele, I made a detour to the Kauai Coffee Company and took a tour. It was really interesting, as it is the largest plantation in the entire USA. They do it very cleverly, you can try different coffee flavors. I now only drink one coffee a day, if I have the time.... (true story).

Then I arrived at the Castle Kiahuna Plantation hotel. And I was completely overwhelmed by the size of the apartment, the complex, and the amenities. The apartment was for 6 people with a large kitchen and terrace. There was yoga, beach ball, tennis, strength training, shopping village, and restaurants. I went to the beach first and got sunburned. Customs had disposed of my sunscreen, I forgot it in my backpack. After about 2 hours, I went to a store and bought sunscreen, but it was too late.

I booked a boat tour to the Na Pali Coast and had to be there at 6:50 in Ele'ele Port Allen. It was a beautiful day and there was breakfast on the catamaran, it was very cozy. The crew was very careful to make sure no one got injured. After an hour of sailing, we stopped for 1 1/2 hours for snorkeling. It was my first time, but really beautiful. The fish are colorful, yellow, purple, etc., and a huge sea turtle floated at the surface almost in the same spot. This experience was wonderful. Afterwards, there was breakfast and 2 passengers got sick. Now we approached dolphins, how wonderful. There are some young ones with them, they keep jumping out of the water. I can also see some flying fish. But you can't take pictures of that, it's too fast, but it looks funny. And last but not least, we come to the impressive Na Pali Coast, it presents itself beautifully. On the return journey, there was lunch and Mai Tais, it was really a successful day.

I went to the beautiful Waimea Valley the next day. There are several hiking trails, unfortunately I missed the Visitor Center and got off at random, taking photos and doing short hikes. I made a short stop in Kalaheo and then returned.

There are also some film locations that you can visit. I did that the next day and drove to Hanalei Beach. I had lunch in Princeville, where George Clooney takes his children in the movie 'The Descendants'. The Kilauea Lighthouse was also worth a visit. Other movies like: Avatar, Jurassic Park, Honeymoon in Vegas, and King Kong etc. were partly filmed here as well.

I visited the Opaekaa Falls and looked at the wonderful Wailua River. I ate something small in Kapa'a, I ordered shrimp with garlic from a food truck. When you eat at these food trucks, the chickens are also present. They eat everything that falls down or ends up in the trash. I heard that they are protected on public land. However, if they come onto private property, you can kill and eat them. There are many locals who make tacos out of them. A very cheap meal. I also got off in Kolona to look at the village.

Once I ate at the Plantation Gardens Restaurant and twice at Keoki's Paradise. Otherwise, I didn't eat much, just once I bought wraps.

That was my last evening on Kauai and it was really hard for me to prepare for departure. I would have loved to stay a little longer.

Respondu (2)

Gäll, han rächt gha? Die Insle esch es Wunderrech?!

Das isch so toll echt gnüsses

Vojaĝraportoj Usono