Anna in Paris
Anna in Paris

Tag 1: Picasso and Gummy Bears for €7

Eldonita: 26.09.2020

Full of anticipation, I set off for Paris at 10 am and followed Nils' tip to visit the Picasso Museum because the surrounding area is said to be beautiful. Since I hadn't yet familiarized myself with the city and its sights, I was convinced to go. It was a very good idea! In Paris, many museums are free for people under 26, including the Picasso Museum. There was even a free audio guide. The current exhibition focuses on Picasso and comics, with the comic book genre BD playing a much more important role in France than in Germany. In addition to Picasso's comics, I also saw some classics by him and other comics about Picasso, which amused me a lot. At the museum, I got into a conversation with a very nice museum employee who, after we talked about Germany, told me that he almost had a relationship with a woman from Cologne. Funny coincidence!

'Are they part of the family?'

After visiting the museum, I was hungry and looked for something to eat. I was unsure whether I had just ended up in an expensive neighborhood or if Paris itself is so expensive. In the end, I decided on a Vegetarian Croque with fries and salad and a half liter of sparkling water (for €5!). The Croque didn't convince me culinarily. Since it was pouring rain again, I wanted to find a bookstore where I could find a nice tourist guide, and then sit in a café and read a bit. I entered different bookstores on Google and finally ended up in a beautiful bookstore called 'Globe', which also had art on offer and where you could browse in peace on the lower floor with relaxed lighting. Here too, I noticed again how many comics there are in France! Obviously, I did not find a tourist guide in this bookstore, so I moved on and sat in a café at Place de la République, where I downloaded the book '111 Places in Paris You Must See' and browsed a bit.

Afterwards, I wanted to have a look at my future neighborhood, so I walked along the Canal St. Martin and finally found the street where my apartment is from next week. If it's actually the house I suspect, there is a large sports hall and a dance school in the basement, what the fuck?

Then I made a lesson with the OLS language trainer that we are offered by Erasmus. I decided to complete at least one lesson every day, let's see if I can keep up with that.

Totally exhausted and tired from the exciting and great day, I went to bed at half past nine and wanted to sleep, but it didn't go so well because suddenly I felt quite nauseous. Hoping it would get better, I fell asleep.
