Lip & Bürsti - Balkan Roadtrip
Lip & Bürsti - Balkan Roadtrip

Patras / Laundry day

Δημοσίευσε: 10.04.2023


This morning, shortly after getting up, I was told that today is Easter Monday. Could be true, I thought, because Good Friday was already on Friday, but that feels like a long time ago. On the way, it doesn't really matter anymore which day it is. I hardly plan ahead and every day is a 'free' day, whether it's Monday or Thursday...

How fortunate that today, of all days, there was a functioning shower at the beach on the holiday. The water was of course cold, but I took the opportunity and can now claim to have showered again. It feels good from time to time.

But a shower alone wouldn't be enough today, because it's Easter after all and there's a laundromat in Patras. Which means: laundry day! Many stores are open here today.

To reach Patras from the north, there are two options: either drive over an overpriced bridge or take a ferry. The ferry costs between 8-11 EUR. Patras is located on the Peloponnese peninsula and at this point, you cross the Gulf of Corinth, which forms a long bay from the ironic sea.

Anyway, it was a nice change to take a ferry again. I went to the laundromat and cycled through the suburb. There seems to be a lot going on in the harbor city with about 213,000 inhabitants. Bürsti is once again right by the sea, in a hardly used parking lot, close to the city center.

Tomorrow, it might be about getting to know and arrive in Greece slowly. What that could look like is still open, but I still have a very specific Udo Jürgens song stuck in my head that might give me some orientation.


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