

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 28.05.2024

We left Cala Rajada behind us and headed for Portopedro. Along the east coast we passed the well-known holiday resorts of Can Picafort in the Badia d'Alcúdia, Cala Millor, Porto Cristo, Cales de Mallorca, Cala Murada, Portocolom and Cala d'Or until we reached the entrance to Portopedro.

The weather was so-so, but towards the end of the trip the sun showed its best side. In Portopedro we had reserved a place in the harbor, which we got after some initial explanations.

The weather forecast for Tuesday showed wind speeds of 6-7 and waves of up to 1.1 m. We would have liked to spend the days outside the harbor on the buoys, even if that would have significantly restricted our mobility. But given the weather forecast, we wanted to stay on the jetty, no matter what. In retrospect, that turned out to be a wise decision.

We had moored our Gustav alongside the pier. That was fine on the first night, when the waves outside were up to 80 cm high. On the second day, however, the swell kept lifting our Gustav noticeably, so we were a little worried that his impact protection might hit the fixed fenders on the jetty. We then put the mooring line on to pull our Gustav a little away from the jetty. That made the position much better and we held a really good position on the second night and were able to sleep well.

Our excursions were to Santanyí Lidl and back on the day of arrival, and we stopped off at the Sa Plaça restaurant in S'Alqueria Blanca on the way. A delicious panna cotta was Heike's reward. We were also running low on potatoes, which was the main reason for our ride, we didn't have any cucumbers and a potato salad without cucumber is not a potato salad.

Because of the weather, day two was dedicated to Gustav. We actually managed to buy bread for breakfast at the market that morning. Otherwise we just lazed around. Heike took a short walk to the next bay, but that was it.

But since the wind and weather on Tuesday were much better than expected, we went for a little drive in the afternoon. There is a small bay to the south, the Caló dets Homes Morts. Heike had already explored this corner the day before, but my curiosity was not yet satisfied; we wanted to go there. Our satnav showed a route, but after just a few hundred meters we found ourselves in front of a gate. Satnav stupid, so we had to rely on instinct, there must be a way there. As I said, we drove along a footpath in this direction and we actually found this picturesque bay. The approach led through a very well-kept park, wide walkways, every now and then a shuttle came towards us, we drove along a residential complex with high-quality architecture. Everything seemed to be well frequented, but where do the people who live here come from? There are no cars, no parking garage, no road. So we drove on, my first officer was already doubtful and I was allowed to drive ahead. So I finally arrived at the end of the park and lo and behold, the people who live here seem to eat just like us. There was a kitchen, trash cans, and a corner at the back for the staff. And that's where I was enlightened.

What are you doing here? This is a hotel resort, this is not a freely accessible area, please leave this area. I thanked them for the information and turned around. Just at that moment the gate at the delivery entrance opened and we were able to escape the paradise almost unnoticed.

This property is the Ikos Porto Petro, a 5-star hotel. The complex makes a very good and well-maintained impression. At least it is almost guaranteed that you can spend a week undisturbed in a very beautiful environment.

Our trip continued to Cala d'Or. There we visited the harbor. The area is hard to beat in terms of beauty. In a wonderful natural setting, the architects who planned it could only destroy it, but they didn't really succeed.

We would of course prefer the port of Porto Petro, but you are not seen as well here and you cannot present yourself as well.

My first officer also had Cala Mitjana in his sights, a small bay north of Cala d'Or. To get there, many people take the risk of parking their cars inland and walking 3 km. The path is stony and gets stonier and narrower. Heike walked the last few meters; we'll be happy to send you pictures of the Cala on request.

Next door to Cala Mitjana there is also Cala Sa Nau. You can reach it via a tarmac road. The last few meters have to be descended via a staircase coming from the car park. However, the walk is worth it.

We are not the only ones, there is a small beach bar. The food that was served looks delicious. In the beach bar there were rows of tables reserved, as it was about 5pm there were reservations for dinner. I would recommend the bay, although the disco music in the background might be a bit disturbing.

When we returned from our trip, we decided to have dinner out. We decided on the Es Bergant restaurant in Portopetro and were very satisfied with the mixed paella there.

Finally, pack up and prepare for the onward journey.


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