No continuation in 2020 due to Corona - Cycling tour in Switzerland

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 14.06.2020

The plan was to continue our tour on the Iron Curtain Trail by train from Basel on May 25th. But Corona and the border closures dashed our hopes. We postponed the continuation for a year. In June, it was possible to go on a bike tour again, and we decided to do a 'Small Passes Tour through Switzerland'. We combined this with visits to friends at Lake Sarner and Lake Zurich.

Saturday, June 6th: Olten - Sarnen (Oberwilen) - 105 km / 1700 hm

The hardest stage of our tour awaits us right from the beginning. We take the train to Olten and after a few kilometers, we join the well-signposted cycle route 73. We can follow it all the way to Lake Sarner.

At the beginning, we cycle through the Wigger Valley on flat terrain. After Schötz, the route becomes hilly before the big challenge awaits us after Schachen. 26 kilometers to Glaubenberg, from 500 meters to 1544 meters in altitude, in between we have to give up the hard-earned altitude in descents. With great effort and determination, we reach the top of the pass, from where we descend steeply and rapidly to the lake. In Oberwilen, Gisela and Urs are already waiting for us, and they provide us with excellent accommodation in their beautiful house right by the lake.

We spend Sunday with Gisela and Urs in rainy weather.

Monday, June 8th: Sarnen - Einsiedeln - 85 km / 1200 hm

Since June 6th, the ships on Lake Lucerne are operating again, so we can take the ferry from Beckenried to Gersau. We reach Schwyz via Brunnen, where we face the challenging ascent over the Ibergeregg Pass. Due to a detour, we have to climb 370 meters in the first 3 kilometers - very demanding.

From the pass at 1406 meters, we pass the Hoch-Ybrig ski area and continue to the marshy Euthal and the shores of Lake Sihl. 60 farms had to be flooded for this reservoir. From the lake, it is not far to Einsiedeln with its impressive monastery.

Tuesday, June 9th: Einsiedeln - Küblis - 95 km / 900 hm

Right after Einsiedeln, the next climb to Sattelegg awaits us, still in the clouds with light rain today. It is only after a rapid descent that we can see the deep valley with Obersee far below. Later, we cycle on flat terrain to Ziegelbrücke and Lake Walensee. Along the lake, there is a cycle path with narrow paths and adventurous tunnels only for cyclists. The Swiss people can be admired...

After Walenstadt, we continue along the Seez river to Sargans, dominated by the mighty castle. We cross the Rhine and pass through the wine villages of Maienfeld, Jenins, and Malans to the Prättigau route, which we follow all the way to Küblis.

Wednesday, June 10th: Küblis - Chur - 85 km / 1500 hm

From Küblis, we steadily climb up the valley to Klosters. There, the route becomes steeper and there is more traffic until we reach the Wolfgang Pass before Davos. After Davos, we get quite wet during the descent towards Glaris. The 2-kilometer-long Landwasser Tunnel comes in handy. Afterwards, we have to climb up to Wiesen again before we can enjoy a cozy descent to Alvaneu. Luckily, we don't have to descend all the way to the Albulatal but can traverse to Lenz with few elevation gains. Then, another strenuous climb awaits us to Lenzerheide. From there, it's a steep 1000 meters descent to Chur, the oldest city in Switzerland.

Thursday, June 11th: Chur - Lichtensteig - 100 km / 800 hm

The stage starts flat along the Rhine, again with some rain. After Bad Ragaz, we continue on the dam of the Alpenrheinweg. From there, we can have a good view of the neighboring Principality of Liechtenstein.

In Buchs, we leave this route and climb some more meters until we reach Wildhaus. There, the sun finally shines and we can almost see the Churfirsten mountain range. We are now in Toggenburg, surrounded by the Säntis and the Churfirsten, an idyllic pre-Alpine region along the Thur river.

On the way, we visit the sound forge of the sound world Toggenburg in the old monastery mill of Alt St. Johann. In addition to the bell making forge, there is a sound experiment room, a sound string bed, and lots of information about the tradition of cowbells.

Friday, June 12th: Lichtensteig - Männedorf - 85 km / 1000 hm

From Lichtensteig, we cycle northwards to Wil. There, we switch to the pilgrimage route and reach Kloster Fischingen. Via Sternenberg, we get to Pfäffikon and Lake Pfäffikersee. Only one last hill separates us from Lake Zurich and Männedorf.

Saturday, June 13th:

We enjoy the evening and the morning at Moni and Paolo's place. It's not until around 1 p.m. that we start the last stage. In Meilen, we take the ferry to Horgen and continue through the Sihl Valley to Sihlbrugg and then towards Albis Pass. From the summit, we enjoy a wonderful view of Lake Zug and the Rigi mountain. We continue through the Reuss Valley to Bremgarten, where we take the train home just in time before the thunderstorm.


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