Gibb River Road - Part 2

प्रकाशित कीता: 05.10.2017

After waking up, we decided to pack up the tent first and then take a shower. This morning ritual has proven itself once again. Just as we finished packing, it started pouring down rain, just like it did during the night.

On our way back to the Gibb, we marveled at the extent of the evening thunderstorm. Uprooted and split trees from the wind and lightning, as well as large puddles on the road. It's hard for us to imagine what the area looks like during the wet season when everything is flooded.

Our morning program started with a walk to Galvans Gorges. A trail to a beautiful spot and the ants warmly welcomed us. The motto was - just keep moving...

Continuing on the Gibb, we stopped to check our tire 'Don Tyre'. The conversations with the locals are always interesting, finding out why people are where they are and what keeps them there or moves them on. The tire expert tapped on the tire three times near the slit and said it looked like new - no problem. Well, you shouldn't doubt expert knowledge, so we continued on the Gibb.

Our last destination on the Gibb was Windjana Gorge. Home to about 80 freshwater crocs.

On the other side of the bank, we watched a group of rangers catch, examine, and then return the freshwater crocs to the water.

Since Derby was only 150 km away and we longed for a good camping spot, we decided to drive to Derby.

As soon as we reached driving speed, we saw an Apollo Camper with a flat tire on the side of the road. We wanted to stop and offer our help, as one does, and we realized it was the Swiss couple we had met the previous days. Of course, you help each other in such a situation, which turned out to be necessary because they didn't have a complete toolkit. The men tried to get the jack under the car. Many drops of sweat later, an Aussie stopped and showed them how to solve the problem with a large stone. Voila, they drove with the damaged tire onto the stone and gained enough height to place the jack under the axle! 30 minutes later, and soaking wet, the tire was changed. It was nice to see each other again in Derby that evening and laugh about the situation.


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