New apartment

प्रकाशित कीता: 07.08.2016

Hello dear ones, here's the 3rd week :-)

Monday, 01.08.:

Well, today is moving day to my new room.

So, I packed up my things again, unpacked them in the new room, and settled in successfully once again. There was supposed to be a German girl in a shared flat this time, but unfortunately she broke up with her boyfriend and moved out on the same day I moved in. So now I'm living with 6 guys again. 4 Brazilians, 1 Englishman, and 1 Swede. However, the Swede is also moving out on Sunday and maybe we'll find another girl who can move in and support me ;)

The first yoga class started today, so I jumped into my sports clothes right after moving in and went to the university. Unlike expected, the yoga class was very exhausting but at the same time very relaxing. So I'm looking forward to the upcoming classes and I'm excited about Saturday - there's a yoga day happening.

After the class, it was time for me to catch up on the lecture 'Investment & Financing', because I missed the first lecture in that class since I was still in the previous class that I switched from.

Tuesday, 02.08.:

I woke up with great anticipation because today I had my job interview at Miami Marketta (Food-Market). It went on from 1:00 to 2:30. The interview was successful and I can come for a trial work on Friday :-)

Afterwards, I printed out the scripts for the lectures and went for a coffee/hot chocolate with Caro. :-)

My biggest accomplishment today is my sweater. After a long - very long - consideration, I finally decided to buy it:

And?? How do you like it? I think it's AWESOME!! :-)

Also, it's a nice memory of the university, and you can always use sweaters! ;-)

Wednesday, 03.08.:

Even though I did some pre- and post-work, I still couldn't follow the lecture today, which is very depressing.. But complaining won't help... I will endure and continue with the pre- and post-work!! ;-)

Nici had her trial work at Miami Marketta today, and we decided to meet in the city after the lecture or after her trial work. Done! We met up!

We celebrated her first 'pay' with a beer by the sea :-)

Thursday, 04.08.:

Lecture start: 9:00 am

Lecture end: 6:50 pm

7:00 - 9:30 am: Hypnotist show at the university:

All volunteers were allowed to come on stage and participate. After he hypnotized everyone to sleep, we had to milk cows (2nd picture) and play the piano (3rd picture).

However, by halftime, half of the volunteers were already off the stage again because it didn't work for them, or it stopped working. But it was still really funny! I would have liked to give you the YouTube link to the show, but they haven't sent it to us yet...

Friday, 05.08.:

Day of the trial work.

First, university from 9:00 am to 2:50 pm, and then the trial work from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm. The trial work was a lot of fun!! So, let me introduce you to my workplace here: doubleT - Mexican cuisine

Since Nici, who had the shift after me, came with Caro, we strolled through the super nice food market together and ate a little something and treated ourselves to a super delicious dessert: waffle with vanilla ice cream and banana *Yummy*

Speaking of ice cream: 1 scoop costs about 6 AUD (about 4€), so you lose interest in eating ice cream, despite the sun.. :-(

After I got home at 9 pm, I sat down outside with my roommates and chatted with them for a while.

Saturday, 06.08.:

Early rising is on the agenda! Because today is YOGA DAY!!

After oversleeping for half an hour, it was time to hurry up! Departure was at 7:30 am at the university.

We drove to Bilambil, Nadia Rainforest Retreat - 1 hour away from the university - and started with a yoga warm-up at 9:30 am.

Then we moved on to meditation, where we went through the Rosary according to what was written on the paper.

After meditation, we hiked through the rainforest for an hour:

Back in the cabin, a cook was already waiting for us, who had prepared vegan food for us and showed us how to cook it. That was our vegan lunch:

The meal included: peas, carrots, zucchini, walnuts, dates, rice, and salad. I have to say, it didn't taste that bad. BUT trying it once is enough ;-)

We let the food settle a bit and then continued with the program point: MASSAGE!! :-) Our guide showed us how to do a full body massage. I did it first for Caro, and then Caro did it for me! Very relaxing!!! Really good, so if you ever feel like it, I can show you how the massage is done, then you can practice on me ;-) 

We missed the afternoon snack due to the massage, so we had it afterwards. A ginger cookie. Saying 'missed' is something else.. It tasted really disgusting!!

After digesting the snack - or not, it was time for dinner, which was vegan again, but as I said before, once would have been enough.

At 6 pm, a guitarist arrived and sang the songs on the sheet (next to the Rosary) and we danced to them.

Me and Mathias while doing yoga-style dancing (met him today by the way, and he happens to be in one of my courses). It was really fun to dance along and we had a lot of fun: Unfortunately, I can't upload a video to the blog :(

So here are the links:

If a window appears asking you to sign in, just click on the X, then you can still watch it.

Oh, and please don't look at my sense of rhythm! I think it's terrible again! :D

Comment from Nici: 'Ela, you are really awesome. No matter what kind of music comes on, you always go for it.'

At 7:30 pm, there was a small bonfire with a Chai Tai and vegan marshmallows:

Feeling totally relaxed, we headed back towards 'home' at 9 pm, and we 3 girls went to the city until late at night ;-)

Sunday 07.08.:

Alarm clock: 10 am! However, I was already awake at 8 am.. So I Skyped with Claudi, who went through the first lecture of 'Accounting Making Decision' with me.

I was able to complete my first weekly test after 3 attempts with 20 out of 20 points (however, it's worth mentioning: the test could be taken online at home, I could read the script and use the internet at the same time, I had 2 hours for 20 multiple choice questions, and the answers to half of the questions could be found on the internet, and I could also Skype/call my sister at the same time. So if you don't get full points in that case... *grins*

In the afternoon, I met up with Caro and we sat by the sea and had coffee/hot chocolate:


When I dropped Caro off at the tram in the evening, I took a little walk by the sea and made a video for you:

Here's a link so that I didn't make the video for nothing ;)

When I got home, I started writing the blog and at 8 pm, I Skyped with my family at home for 2 hours, and at 11 pm, I Skyped with my entire family because they were at Anna's (cousin's) place celebrating her birthday ;-)

Then it was time to sleep *ZZzzzZZzZzzZZ*

Oh by the way, Jasi, thank you again for your travel journal!

Without it, I wouldn't remember what I did every day while writing the blog ;-)

Anja and Sabi shared the record for the most written notes this week ;-) 
Dear Goddi, I pulled your note on Saturday and you can tell Martin that we had a great party in the evening ;-)

Thank you all :-*

P.S.: Sorry for the delayed entry, but the pictures didn't upload because the internet was acting up :-(

परता (4)

Tolle Wohnung, tolle Bilder - weiter so :-*

Jetzt schlägt es 13 ... Yoga??? Veganer essen? Früh aufstehen???? Whaaaat??? LOL. Ich hoffe der Matthias ist kein Deutscher ??? 😠 und wo ist das Foto vom sexy surferboy??? Hahaha.

Hahaha Claudi mal wieder!

haha doch ist er :D Den sexy Surfer Boy hab ich noch nicht gefunden, muss ich wohl öfters an Strand gehen um den zu finden ^^ hahah Miri :D

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