Udgivet: 07.07.2023
From the London archive into the train to Newcastle and since last Monday at a conference on memory research with 968 participants from all over the world, with different origins, languages, religions,...: extremely exciting, inspiring and enlightening - and at the same time absolutely demanding and I urgently need the upcoming weekend. But in order to at least 'prepare' for the conference, last weekend consisted of hiking - my favorite: the Northumberland Coast Path.
A day later, I went on the Hadrian's Wall Path in the interior, which was also nice, but between Heddon-on-the-Wall and Port Gate it mainly goes along the road - and there is hardly anything left of the old Roman wall on this stretch. It is/was nice anyway, but in my opinion not comparable to the coast.
(Delayed) postscript:
Even if I need a seat on a plane tomorrow - there is no ferry connection from Scotland to Iceland - I recommend taking the train from continental Europe to London (at least). It's not even two hours from Brussels and you are directly in the city center without having to travel from the airport by bus and train.