Meine 20 Monate in den USA
Meine 20 Monate in den USA

Quarantine as an Au Pair in the USA

Objavljeno: 20.07.2020

Apologies for not being active here for so long. As an Au Pair, I couldn't just relax at home during the quarantine, it was a very exhausting and stressful time for me.

I still work 45 hours a week and I've spent all of them in our house or garden. My host children are now 14 months and almost 3 years old! They need a lot of movement and get bored easily, and with the host parents working from home, it has been a difficult situation in the last 4 months.

Things have gotten better now, the weather is finally good (we had a snowstorm in May!) and we go to the playground every day. Sometimes we have a picnic by the lake, go shopping, or walk the dogs.

If you have any ideas on what to do with little girls, please write to me! Unfortunately, there are still many things closed here.

We are currently in Phase 3 and not far from the "new normal". Boston had many cases, so people in my state took Corona seriously and followed the rules. Unfortunately, some states are still in a bad situation.

Maybe you saw my article in the newspaper, where I wrote more about the Corona crisis here.

My host parents and I have been active by working out together and going for walks every day. On weekends, we sometimes went to their apartment in the mountains or to the grandparents' house by the beach. We went biking, hiking, and swimming in the sea together.

Every Wednesday, I cooked German food and we had a game night afterwards.

It was unfortunate that the quarantine happened at the same time when I had planned some trips, but I tried to stay positive and make the best out of the situation. I'm very happy that we are finally done with the worst of it!


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