Pellas around the World

Pellas around the World

Reisen ist der schönste Weg Geld auszugeben und trotzdem reicher zu werden.

2.3. Easter

2.3. Easter

Early bird

February 2020: Back to Germany, Home School, Back to Beijing 02.03.20

Corona, Hondelage, online School, back to Beijing

Chinese New Year, Singapore, Corona Virus

Vacation, Singapore, Tropical, Virus

Week 13 to 14: Ming Tombs

Ming Tombs and Fragrant Hills / Autumn time

Weeks 9-10: Hiking, Visit from Germany, Happy Valley

Hiking on the Great Wall, Visit from Germany, Cultural Program, Amusement Park

Week 3 - 4: Visit temples and weekend trip to the sea

Weekend trip to the sea at Beidaihe...

Pellas, that's us

We Pellas from Hondelage-Braunschweig

The first 2 weeks .....

1 year China, let's go, 25.8.19