Апублікавана: 06.04.2017

So far the best 3 days in nearly 3 months in Australia !!!

Ok, I love Roadtrips, being on the road, follow your heart ( or what Google map and Instagram pictures of nice Beaches show you ).

In the probably most disgusting hostel ever, my travelmate and me we're planning our GOR trip. To share costs and fun, we decided to look for travelpartners. We saw the post of two cute Belgian girls on Facebook, messaged them and 5 mins later we found out, that they were staying in the same hostel. The world is a very small place 🤔 

A few days later we rented car and turned up the music...


Справаздачы аб падарожжах Аўстралія
#great ocean road, legendary, koalas, kangaroo, grampians, roadtrip, backpackers, apollo bay#twelve apostles