Some things have happened...

প্ৰকাশিত: 07.05.2019

A lot has happened today:

- Climbing wall

- Still have a reflective complexion thanks to factor 50

- Blessed with wings --- almost cursed back to mortality

- Temple of consumerism with toys for enthusiasts of all ages

- 'Admired' the facade at Design Plaza Dongdaemun, allegedly consisting of 40,000 unique aluminum plates

- Diving into the public city sauna, also known as Gwanjang Market Hall

- Randomly discovering the upcoming street parade in honor of Buddha's birthday

- Waiting for the start of the festivities in an environment that has pushed even the detective's nose to its limits

- Giving up the painstakingly cleaned chairs to preserve our sense of smell

- Enduring at the new, improved, and more survivable gawker corner

- Killing time


-Gazed at the Lantern Festival with sparkling eyes and an open mouth

- ' -

- ' -

-> to the hotel -> beer -> bed

উত্তৰ (1)

Beeindruckend...nach Eurer Schilderung bin ich froh, das GeruchsFernSehen noch nicht Realität ist ;o). Toll, ich freue mich auf Neues aus FernOst!

অধিক ভ্ৰমণৰ প্ৰতিবেদন