
19th January Halls Gap - Robe

نشرت: 29.01.2023

Back to the sea, we drove through a hilly landscape mostly dominated by livestock farming. In Wannon, we visited the Wannon Falls, which had a bit of water. It could be really spectacular with a lot of water. Near the coast, we drove through the city of Mt Gambier. We were wondering where this Mt Gambier was. Well, it turned out to be a hill that we followed and got the explanation. Mt Gambier was a volcano and two crater lakes were formed as a result of eruptions. The water in the Blue Lake shines so intensely blue that it leaves you speechless. The color of the water changes from blue to gray and then back to blue for a few days in November. One of the two (Blue Lake) has a strongly blue glowing water. Robe awaited us with fresh (cold) wind and nice wine bars.


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