


Felix und Susanns' Zeit in Saudi Arabien

Weekend trip to Cairo

Weekend trip to Cairo

A short blog post about our trip to Giza/Cairo two weekends ago.

Fieldwork with Turtles

Report on the fieldwork for tagging green and hawksbill turtles in the Red Sea.

በሳውዲ ውስጥ ወላጆችን መጎብኘት

እዚህ በሳውዲ እና በ KAUST ወላጆቼን እየጎበኘሁ ነው።

Fieldwork in the Gulf of Aqaba

A little report about our fieldwork trip to the Gulf of Aqaba

Autumn and Winter in KSA

A few highlights of the past few months

Ayubowan - Sri Lanka

Travel report about our vacation in Sri Lanka

Seagrass Assessment in NEOM and other news..

The past weeks have been eventful - full of fieldwork (especially underwater)

Seagrass evaluation in the Al Wadjj Lagoon

Today, I (Felix) would like to say a few words myself! While Susann has been diligently working on h...

Research trip to the Southern Red Sea

Short report about our trip to the Southern Red Sea

News from the Orient

...a lot has happened in the past few weeks

Back in 2018

1st blog entry in 2018,.. and for a while

Helloooo back!

We haven't been in touch for a long time - but now we're back!


Familie Rossbach hat sich vergroessert

'አቀማመጥ' - ሳምንት 2

ጉዞ ወደ ታይፍ፣ የጠረጴዛ ሽፋን እና ሌሎችም.

Back in Saudi

After 6 months, the adventure in the Middle East continues :)

Bye bye Saudi

The last hours in Saudi have come..

Das große Muschelschlachten

Killermuschel-killen.. :(

Back to work + Trip to Jeddah

the last weeks in Saudi have begun..

Kingdom of Jordan

the colorful one"), which could be a reference to the reddish color of the sandstone.The rock city o...

ለ 2016 የመጨረሻ ልጥፍ

የዚህ አመት የመጨረሻ የብሎግ ግቤት...